The number one question I get asked.

I’m often asked many questions from my clients having brow tattoos, and rightly so; after all, it is a tattoo on your face! Comfort and trust in my ability is my priority.

However, there is one that keeps being brought up, so I thought I’d answer it here.

Do you shave off the brow hair?

In short…. no

I love nothing more than when a client comes to me with wild, untidy brows. This allows me to use the hair flow and natural hair pattern to map out the tattoo. Most people don’t know this, but your brow hair flow has a specific pattern, and it is individual to each person.. kind of like a fingerprint. The hairs will flow in one direction, then change direction about mid-way and sometimes even for a second time; I use this pattern to create the arch, tail, and fill the bulb.

Secondly, I use brow hair to choose the pigment color. I am very much all for creating a natural brow tattoo, so I use the natural hair color to select one shade lighter and create a shadow with the pigments that give the illusion of more hair instead of a solid brow.

Brow hair isn’t the only factor when creating a new shape. I also need to consider your skin integrity, whether you have thin skin that may easily penetrate and bruise, thick skin that may be more difficult to penetrate so… may need to sharper needle type.

The fat pads behind your brow, is it intact, or has it diminished in size? ( a common side effect of ageing) and what changes to these fatty pads can I predict will happen in the future that may change the shape of your beautiful brow tattoo. And your bone structure, where does your brow bone sit, and is it protruding more on one side than the other?

All these factors are considered when tailoring a brow to suit your facial features.

no two faces are the same so your brows should be unique to you.



Scalp Micropigmentation SMP


Disappearing Ink