Government Guidelines for Skin Penetration procedures
Notices about scope of registration and client information sheets
As part of enhancing public awareness of infection risks, information sheets have been developed for clients receiving particular procedures. In some instances, clients must be provided this information in writing.
Clients who receive tattooing, ear piercing, body piercing, or any other skin-penetration procedures must be provided with written information about the risk of infectious diseases associated with the process that is accurate and not misleading.
Infection prevention and control
The Infection prevention and control guidelines for hair, beauty, tattooing and skin penetration industries (2019) helps those involved in these industries to comply with requirements in the:
The Act and regulations documents can be found at the Victorian Legislation website.
These guidelines do not replace industry-specific guidelines or codes of practice, which must also comply with the Act and Regulations. You should talk to the industry association relevant to your business.
An information sheet that summarises the key changes to the Public Health and Wellbeing Regulations that relate to registered premises is now available.
The Infection prevention and control guidelines for hair, beauty, tattooing and skin penetration industries have been updated in June 2020 to reflect the changes in the regulations.
For Coronavirus (COVID-19) information specific to beauty and personal care businesses, see the following pages on the Coronavirus website:
Skin Penetration Client Info Sheet